No fuss, affordable pricing.
Gold Coast Chimney Expert
Over 1000 Chimney Clean's...and counting
Want expert advice on your chimney? Need your fireplace repaired or chimney cleaned.
Want the job done right, first time?
Gold Coast Chimney Cleaning is your local chimney expert.
We're based in Gold Coast and provide year-round support for your chimney and fireplace. We specialize in all types of chimney work, including cleaning/sweeping, general maintenance and repair. As your chimney ages, regular inspections are essential to ensure the safety of you and your home. Blocked chimneys can cause chimney fires or carbon monoxide to build up in your room and these can be fatal. Anytime wood is burned in a fireplace, soot and creosote are produced. Soot is made up of fine, black carbon particles and creosote is an oily, flammable liquid tar. These by-products cling to the inside of a chimney and can cause a chimney fire.
The Home Heating Association recommends that wood burning fireplaces are to be serviced annually and cleaned regularly to ensure safe & efficient operation thus in turn, reducing smoke output.
At Gold Coast chimney cleaning we provide a fast, friendly and reliable service.
Our range of services include:
chimney and flue cleaning
repairs and maintenance
cleaning of slow combustion heaters and open fires
safety checks
flue extensions and top caps
provide fire bricks for slow combustion heaters
perform pre-gas cleaning of fireplaces
replace glass and door seals
install chimney dampers and possum/bird mesh
service of heaters
removals of slow combustion heaters
perform complete visual inspections
Tel: 0405 634 350
Email: info@goldcoastchimneycleaning.com.au